
A Sales Tip for Salespeople - Special Social Marketing Post

Note: This Social Media Marketing Campaign post is focused on a simple tip for salespeople as it relates to sales resistance.

Every Prospect Processes Five Purchasing Decisions

Selling skills training investigation by The Sales Board conducted on over 350,000 people in sales has exposed that resistance from the customer doesn’t start with what salespeople present. It is caused when salespeople are not in sync with the way customers make decisions about buying.

Millions of sales professionals don’t grasp the fact that nearly all consumers are making 5 subsequent purchasing judgements. These judgements are made in the order as listed below:

1. The Salesperson 2. The Company 3. The Product 4. The Price 5. The Time to Buy

Moreover, people in sales do not conduct their prospect presentations with the purpose of being in sync with these five buyer decisions.

Customers most often will point to arguments not to buy when a sales presentation is out of sync with the customer’s transactional decisions. To raise opportunities of landing more sales, people in sales must align their presentations to be in tune with the transactional-decision progression of consumers. If this is achieved, people in sales can sell the buyer through each and every level of the decision process and eventually land a successful sale.