
Case Record Update 2 - Social Marketing Plan

From January 22, 2014 to February 5, 2014, I published to the TeamPost Social Marketing Network by means of The Social Marketing Plan and SEO method.

During those dates, the main keyword that applies to this second case study (Social Marketing Plan) was positioned in the Google SERPs on page 7 or page 8. Then when this update was published (2-5-14) on the TeamPost site, and re-checked the Google indexed keyword position, the above keyword was repositioned at #52 on Google. No additional publishing to the network or SEO work had been accomplished since the start of this second study. Now, as I post this note to the network (March 6, 2014), the keyword is presently seventeen (18) on the Google SERPs.

Review this Social Marketing Case Study and watch as this keyword reaches page one on Google.

See The Complete Article Featured Here: Case Study Update 2 – Social Marketing Plan